yoga snafu and avocado cookies

I am happy to report that after being phoneless for two long days, I am now the proud new owner of a beautiful blue iPhone!  Not only did I rejoin the 21st century, but I also made the big switch from Android to iPhone, and with no regrets so far.
And perfect timing–my power went out for two hours as soon as I got back from Verizon…could you imagine? no phone, no power, no daylight (it was storming), no one to talk to…what do you even do?  Foam roll?  Read by headlamp?

Anyway, things are back to normal now.  Even better than normal because Andrea and I went to the correct yoga class on Thursday evening.  Ha, so I mentioned that we’re doing yoga twice a week, but it turns out we’d been going to the wrong class.  Basically there are different types of passes you can purchase at Purdue’s rec center, and Andrea and I bought a pass for 8 weeks of a specific small-group yoga class.  Coincidentally, there was a yoga class at the same time for a different large group (different participants week by week) intro yoga class.

After the second week, we noticed some weird things about the class we thought we signed up for:

  1. The class was enormous.
  2. We didn’t recognize anyone.
  3. The instructor gave us funny looks when she scanned our passes.
  4. The instructor re-introduced herself and re-introduced everything we did.
  5. The instructor had the wrong name.

Once we realized our mistake (my fault, by the way; I had the room number wrong), my first reaction was “nooooo…a harder yoga class might mean more down dogs.”  It didn’t, and we LOVED the new class.  There are less than 10 people in it and we did harder moves, but we flowed through them more quickly.  I left feeling relaxed and stretched out.

As Andrea and I sat on our mats before yoga started, I told her about the cookie dough  (er, experiment) that was sitting in my fridge.  I read somewhere that you can substitute butter with avocado, and I was pretty sure that you could sub sugar with bananas or honey, so I did all of the above and added flour+oats+eggs+baking soda+vanilla+Reese’s Pieces without measuring anything except the flour and oats.  I told Andrea that my batter was a nasty green color, and we discussed whether or not it would turn to that overripe avocado brown color while it was chilling in my fridge.
I introduce to you…World’s Ugliest Cookies!
The colored candy coating on the Reese’s Pieces created a hint of autumn tie dye.

They taste good, despite their extreme lack of visual appeal, and Ryan gave them a thumbs up for approval.  Next time I’ll add the Reese’s Pieces immediately before baking.

Any iPhone apps/tricks/tips I need to know about?
Reese’s Pieces, M&Ms, or Skittles?

11 thoughts on “yoga snafu and avocado cookies

  1. I just had a yoga snafu of my own! It was the gym’s fault, though. The website said the class started at 6pm, but it was actually at 5!! Three of us missed the class! I got a new yoga May for my bday and had to wait a whole extra week to use it because of that 😦

  2. PAHAHA that is totally something I would do (yoga snafu)!!! I have never tried the avocado trick mostly because I eat them too quickly to try baking with them 😉 I WILL try it now! Skittles all the way!

  3. I’ve never heard about the avocado trick but good to know! I guess you’re ditching the iron shoulders plan 🙂

    • haha sorry to leave you with those down dogs all to yourself…
      the avocado sub might take some experimenting to get the amount right. I put in a whole avocado for however much butter the recipe called for (a stick?). Also, I store my cookies in the freezer, so I’m not sure if anything weird would happen if they were left out instead?

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