Reading Session at the Front Desk

There is a big celebratory event on campus today for faculty/staff today, so Andrea and I *volunteered* to watch the front desk of the Speech & Audiology Clinic.  TrooperAndrea took the first shift, and TrooperKaren took over for the afternoon haul.  I packed along two books and an arsenal of snacks: a protein bar, 2 apples, and an orange.  In addition, the candy stash in the office will be out of cherry Life Savers by the time I leave.

I’ve been reading articles on, a website with loads of short articles relating to special needs, specifically in regards to child development.

Some good finds:
Strategies for Learning Social Skills and Hidden Curriculum Rules by Judy Endow, MSW–a story on unspoken social rules from the perspective of an adult with autism.

What We Do With What We Hear by Susan Diamond, M.A.,CCC–a quick-read that introduces the idea of a “processing phrase” in conversation to acknowledge the question but gain thinking time.  I think this is a useful tactic; I know I’ve been in conversations where Person 1 has repeated a question after a moment of “thinking” silence by assuming that Person 2 didn’t hear the question.

“Aw Shucks!”-Dealing With Disappoinment by Karen S. Head, MS, CCC-SLP–a strategy to use with kids who need to go first, be called on first, be first in line, etc.


Wednesday: Strength day!  I started with 20 minutes on the AMT before hitting this killer leg workout from Tina’s blog:

I used two 20lb weights and loved that I only had to do 5 reps of each exercise per set.  I’m still pretty new to weight training, so it took me a round or two (or three) to realize that 25 reps each means total throughout the whole workout instead of per set.  I started this workout by doing 25 reps per set of each exercise (with minimal or no weight) and made it through 3 rounds before realizing the intended structure.  So then I picked up two dumbbells and started back in square one with two mildly tired legs; kind of like picking up the pace at the end of a long run, right?  Anyway, great leg workout!

I was gung-ho after working my legs and jumped right into an arm workout from Tamara at Fitknitchick:

Another pin, another winner!

Thursday: 7 mile run.  I was pretty sore from yesterday, so my first 2 miles were slow and difficult, but I got into a groove and picked up the pace for the last 5 miles (8:00-8:10 pace).  Wet and rainy!

Tonight Ryan and I have a quick dinner date, and then we’re watching our friends’ adorable little daughter so they can grab dinner & a movie.  I hardly ever get to babysit at school, so yay!

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